By Stephen Trimble on February 26, 2009 11:41 AM
Of course, looked at another way, it's a huge compliment to the F-22. You don't usually see a kill decal for a simulated combat victory. The fact that this "kill" merited such an extraordinary display of pride says a lot about what the Growler community thinks about the F-22.
当然,从另一个角度看,这可也是对F22的巨大恭维(注:这家伙脑子是怎么想的……够另类的角度)。模拟空战中的击落标志可着实不多见。事实上这个标记所表现出的超乎寻常的自豪证明了大黄蜂/咆哮者家族的支持者们怎么看待F22 。(注:怎么看待?也没点出来啊……到底是看不起,还是太看得起F22呢……)
By Redone on February 26, 2009 5:32 PM
"The fact that this "kill" merited such an extraordinary display of pride says a lot about what the Growler community thinks about the F-22."【引用楼上“事实上这个标记所表现出的超乎寻常的自豪证明了大黄蜂/咆哮者家族的支持者们怎么看待F22 ”】
Or how the navy hate the overated F-22
By Mike Plunkett on February 26, 2009 5:14 PM
This is not entirely unprecedented. I remember seeing some Super Hornet gun camera footage a few years back showing an F-22 in the perfect position for a guns kill. Ok, not a Growler, but close :)
这(标志)不是完全没有先例的。我记得看过一些若干年前超级大黄蜂用机炮‘击落’F22的机载视频,其中F22都处于绝佳的被射击位置上……好吧,不是咆哮者,但也差不多了 哈
为了印证最后这位Mike Plunkett的发言,我找了两张图片佐证,两张图都是2006年4月的红色空中演习(Red Air exercise)中的系统截图:
This gun kill picture is from the HUD recorder of a VFA-11 Super Hornet taken during a Red Air exercise. The black box on the top left is an event marker to show that the trigger was squeezed.
……from the Super Hornet vs Raptor dogfight has been found. The previous article has generated a heated debate among Air Force and Navy crew