

来自MDC TOGA大大的帖子,最近讲F22的多,这一帖我认为挺有参考价值的哈。


A. 机全长..............18.90m
B. 机全高............... 5.08m
C. 翼展宽..............13.56m
D. 翼面积..............78.03m2
E. 机空重..............18,144 ~ 19,600kg
F. 内载燃油..........3,082Gal/11,665L/9,082 ~ 9,800 kg(JP-8)
G. 标准起飞重量........27,216 ~ 28,125kg
H. 机身材料重量比:37%钛合金,23%复合材料,15%铝合金,6%钢,19%其它



A. 高空最高时速:2.0M+ (一说其极速可达2.25至2.42马赫)

B. 低空最高时速:800kts

C. 超音速巡航:超音速巡航最速点在40,000英呎高度左右处,此时标准空战构型的猛禽可于最大军推下以1.70至1.82马赫的超音速巡航时速飞行,或是在八成军用推力下,以1.5马赫级数的超音速巡航时速飞行。

D. 超音速机动:据传在开启后燃器状态下,猛禽能在中高空进行7G不掉速超音速回旋。

E. 爬升能力:

F. 实用升限:65,000~70,000 fts

G. 耐G限:-3至+9.5g(FCS正常操作限制)

H. 空战翼负荷:310 ~ 330 kg/m2(50%内载燃料 + 标准空战武装)

I. 加速能力:自200kts加速至 Mach 1 → ≦30 secs

J. 正常作战攻角范围:-60度至+60度, 在此范围内, 猛禽可一边维持攻角飞行, 一边自由进行俯仰/偏航/滚转等机动

K. 飞行包络线比较:
Sea-level: 0.15~1.21 Mach/0.15~1.15 Mach/0.15~1.05 Mach/0.15~1.00 Mach/0.15~0.95 Mach
10,000fts: 0.15~1.40 Mach/0.19~1.40 Mach/0.15~1.15 Mach/0.15~1.10 Mach/0.15~0.95 Mach
20,000fts: 0.18~1.75 Mach/0.22~1.65 Mach/0.18~1.35 Mach/0.20~1.30 Mach/0.20~1.00 Mach
25,000fts: 0.20~2.00 Mach/0.28~1.85 Mach/0.20~1.50 Mach/0.20~1.45 Mach/0.20~1.00 Mach
30,000fts: 0.25~2.00 Mach/0.30~2.00 Mach/0.25~1.65 Mach/0.30~1.60 Mach/0.35~1.00 Mach
40,000fts: 0.30~2.00 Mach/0.35~2.00 Mach/0.35~1.82 Mach/0.40~1.76 Mach/0.42~0.95 Mach
45,000fts: 0.40~2.00 Mach/0.40~2.00 Mach/0.52~1.80 Mach/0.55~1.70 Mach/0.60~0.92 Mach
50,000fts: 0.50~2.00 Mach/0.45~2.00 Mach/0.62~1.75 Mach/0.65~1.60 Mach/0.70~0.90 Mach
55,000fts: 0.60~2.00 Mach/0.50~2.00 Mach/0.72~1.60 Mach/0.75~1.00 Mach
57,500fts: 0.65~2.00 Mach/0.72~1.90 Mach/0.80~1.50 Mach/
60,000fts: 0.70~2.00 Mach/0.75~1.85 Mach
65,000fts: 1.00~2.00 Mach/0.88~1.70 Mach
67,500fts: 1.20~2.00 Mach/
F-22A with AB:1000+(两马赫以上包络线面积未计入)
EF-2K with AB:913+(两马赫以上包络线面积未计入)
F-22A with Mil:676
F-15C with AB:591
F-15C with Mil:328

L. 飞送航程:2,778 ~ 3,500km(只靠内载燃料)

M. 超音速巡航续航力:可以在距离基地200多公里处以1.5马赫左右时速持续超巡41分钟再行返航。

N. 起飞跑道长度需求:800英呎/244公尺(空战构型下)。

0. 综合比较:

F-15C v.s EF-2K v.s F-22A

F-15C:12,973 kg ~ 13,427 kg(With AN/APG-63V2 AESA radar)
EF-2K:10,995 kg ~ 11,150 kg
F-22A:18,144 kg ~ 19,600 kg

F-15C:6,103 kg
EF-2K:4,600 kg ~ 4,996 kg
F-22A:9,072 kg ~ 9,800 kg

F-15C:20,500 ~ 20,930 kg
EF-2K:17,000 ~ 17,500 kg
F-22A:28,600 ~ 30,750 kg

F-15C:56.48 m2
EF-2K:50.00 m2
F-22A:78.03 m2

T/W of Taking-off with standard AA configuration(100% internal fuel + 6MRAAM + 2SRAAM),AB:
EF-2K:1.050~1.081(Peace time)
EF-2K:1.108~1.140 (War time)
EF-2K:1.155~1.189 (EJ-200 with small revision)
EF-2K:1.208~1.243(EJ-230 upgrading)
F-22A:1.033~1.110 (F-119, Official declaration, 35,000 Ibs*2)
F-22A:1.121~1.269 (F-119, Actual performance, 38,000 ~ 40,000 Ibs*2)

T/W of Taking-off with standard AA configuration(100% internal fuel + 6MRAAM + 2SRAAM),MAX. MIL:
EF-2K:0.700~0.721(Peace time)
EF-2K:0.805~0.829 (War time)
EF-2K:0.805~0.829 (EJ-200 with small revision)
EF-2K:0.840~0.865(EJ-230 upgrading)
F-22A:0.752~0.809 (F-119, Official declaration, 25,500 Ibs*2)
F-22A:0.770~0.828 (F-119, Actual performance, 26,100 Ibs*2)

WING-LOADING of Taking-off with standard AA configuration:
F-15C:362.96~370.57 kg/m2
EF-2K:340.00~350.00 kg/m2
F-22A:366.53~394.08 kg/m2

F-15C:60,000 fts
EF-2K:65,000 fts
F-22A:65,000 to 70,000 fts

F-15C:900 fts
EF-2K:less than 900 fts
F-22A:800 fts

F-15C:3,500 fts
EF-2K:1,640 fts

F-15C:5,745 km(6,103 kg internal fuel + 4,423 kg CFTs fuel + 5,395 kg tanks' fuel)
EF-2K:2,600 km(4,600~4,996 kg internal fuel )
EF-2K:3,706 km(4,600~4,996 kg internal fuel + 1,000~1,500 L tanks*2)
F-22A:2,728 ~ 3,500 km(9,072~9,800 kg internal fuel )

Fighters: F-22A RAPTOR/EF-2000 TYPHOON/F-15C EAGLE
Sea-level: 0.15~1.21 Mach/0.15~1.15 Mach/0.15~1.00 Mach
10,000ft: 0.15~1.40 Mach/0.19~1.40 Mach/0.15~1.10 Mach
20,000ft: 0.18~1.75 Mach/0.22~1.65 Mach/0.20~1.30 Mach
25,000ft: 0.20~2.00 Mach/0.28~1.85 Mach/0.25~1.45 Mach
30,000ft: 0.25~2.00 Mach/0.30~2.00 Mach/0.30~1.60 Mach
40,000ft: 0.30~2.00 Mach/0.35~2.00 Mach/0.40~1.76 Mach
45,000ft: 0.40~2.00 Mach/0.40~2.00 Mach/0.55~1.70 Mach
50,000ft: 0.50~2.00 Mach/0.45~2.00 Mach/0.65~1.60 Mach
55,000ft: 0.60~2.00 Mach/0.50~2.00 Mach/
60,000ft: 0.70~2.00 Mach/0.75~1.85 Mach
65,000ft: 1.00~2.00 Mach/0.88~1.70 Mach
67,500ft: 1.20~2.00 Mach/

F-22A:0.00015 ~ 0.00060m2.............1~4 --> 1.00~1.40
F-35A:0.0012 ~ 0.0015m2...............8~10 --> 1.68~1.78
EF-2k:0.05 ~ 0.5 m2...............333~3332 --> 4.27~7.60
F-15C:10 ~ 25m2.............66666~166666 --> 16.07~20.21

Radar Tracking Range:
F-22A, APG-77:200~230 km for RCS 1m2 target.............Score: 222~256
EF-2K, CAPTOR-E:161~186 km+ for RCS 1m2 target........Score: 179~207+ (Post-2014)
F-35A, APG-81:160~185 km for RCS 1m2 target.............Score: 177~206
F-15C, V2/V3:144~185 km for RCS 1m2 target..............Score: 160~206
EF-2K, CAPTOR-M:107~124 km+ for RCS 1m2 target........Score: 119~138+ (Today)
F-15C, APG-63:90 km for RCS 1 m2 target...................Score: 100


三、机载引擎:Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100涡扇引擎*2

A. 最大军推:25,500 ~ 26,100 Ib*2

B. 后燃推力:35,000 Ib*2 (官方说法, 有些专家声称其实际上已经提高至38,000 ~ 40,000磅级*2,而普惠集团也曾于几年前IDR的专访中表示:"在经过新技术提升改进之后,目前F-119引擎的最大推力,已比早先预定高出10%以上"。)

C. 推重比:10~12:1

D. 压缩比:35:1

E. 引擎最大操作温度:摄氏1770度





1. F/A-22上有两套战术数据链:

a. VHF/UHF波段MIDS-LVT LINK16 北约标准战术数据链:其有效作用距离较长,用于和本国空军或北约盟国空军阵营中的众多凡战俗机沟通对话用。

b. Intra-flight datalink (IFDL)匿踪战术数据链:此一低能量低被截收概率匿踪战术数据链的有效作用距离较短,主用于猛禽战机小队间的匿踪信息交流,也是和目前西方各国同样号称能进行上网联机作战的新锐机种(EF-2000, Rafale, JAS-39, F/A-18E/F...........)在联网作战境界上的差别与分野关键之所在。

2. F/A-22的SA建构主要靠机上两大感测系统~Northrop Grumman APG-77主动数组火控雷达与 Sanders ALR-94整合式电战/被动电磁讯号截收系统之收集,再配合上来自Datalinks的友军提供情资,由机上的Common Integrated Processor (CIP) 加以比对分析整合后完成;三种信息收集手段各有所长,例如ALR-94能提供最精确的目标方位数据,APG-77则能获得最精准的测距资料,而Datalinks则能弥补本机感测系统所遗漏或力有未逮的重要情资。

3. CIP控制APG-77雷达的软件具有电磁管制功能,能在为持必须的SA需求为前提下,对所发出的雷达波之讯号强度,持续时间,于波束大小范围进行严格的管制,以将因电磁讯号外泄而打草惊蛇的机率减至最低。

4. 信息整合功能亦有助于猛禽的电磁匿踪:The more the datalinks and ALR-94 can be used to build and update the tactical picture, the less the system needs to use the radar. The IFDL provides another layer of protection against tracking, because any one F-22 in a flight can provide radar data to the others。

5. 拜主动数组设计之赐,APG-77与其它靠单一行波管发功的传统雷达(包括Passive electronically steered array雷达在内)在性能上最大的分野在于:其可分身成多具独立雷达/被动电子截收器/电子反制系统,在同一时间内发功操作;其无与伦比的波型调整速率与不受机械扫描天线限制的数据更新速率,亦使其能同时进行多个波型与数据更新率需求迥异的对空/对地模式。此外雷达亦具备 "Closed-loop tracking"能力~雷达持续修正其所投射的能量与脉冲频率,以最低的能量去追踪锁定目标。

6. 在另一方面,ALR-94则是当今世上最精密复杂的战机用被动感测/整合电战系统,根据LM集团前任F-22战机计划主持人,Tom Burbage博士表示:”ALR-94是猛禽战机上科技复杂度最高的组件。”从某些角度来看,ALR-94才是F/A-22上感测系统的真正老大。


ALR-94能够先行替APG-77雷达提供十分精确的目标方位乃至身份信息,等到目标进入雷达有效探测距离范围(对于一般传统战机而言,这个范围值仍大于100海浬/185公里)后,APG-77雷达能在ALR-94的指引下,将雷达波束窄化成有如雷射光般的集中(2 x 2度 in azimuth and elevation)在敌机目标上~此举除了有加强目标探测能力,减少无谓电磁讯号外泄等优势外,似乎也对美帝空军在2010年以后将APG-77升级成能执行”电磁硬杀”任务的微波武器系统提供良好基础。

在较近距离时,ALR-94甚至可以用所谓的Narrowband interleaved search and track (NBILST)功能 去接手取代APG-77大多的敌机持续追踪任务,此时雷达只需在发射BVR飞弹前开机提供目标的精确距离与速率信息~甚至于如果敌机持续大开雷达的话,ALR-94可以光靠自身提供将近100%的AIM-120发射前必须射控信息,并且将其导引至直到命中目标为止(此时AIM-120在事实上是一枚反辐射AAM)。

7. 非协同目标识别能力(NCTR)是猛禽战机上的另外一项高度机密;这项功能虽然业已在某些西方第三世代战机的雷达(如APG-70,RDI等等)上实现,不过 APG-77的主动数组设计与F/A-22上强大的信息处理能力,将会对此一性能立下新的定义与批注:

One of the few known techniques is jet-engine modulation, which involves analyzing the raw radar return for the characteristic beat produced by a combination of the radar-pulse frequency and the rotating blades of the engine. This technique is already used on operational radars (including the APG-70 in the F-15) but is vulnerable to countermeasures and dependent on target aspect.

Other NCTR techniques involve very precise range measurements. If the target's orientation is known, the distribution of the signature over very small range bins can yield a range profile which is characteristic of a certain aircraft type. It is possible that the F-22, which has a great deal of onboard processing power ?as well as a flexible, frequency-agile radar ?is designed to use an NCTR technique of this kind.

8. 由于Northrop Grumman APG-77主动数组火控雷达与 Sanders ALR-94整合式电战/被动电磁讯号截收系统的搭配是如此强大绝伦,美国方面认为光靠这两者组合便再配合上猛禽本身的匿踪性能,便足以让F/A-22在绝对安全的距离外率先发觉识别并追踪锁定任何已知对手,没有必要再去锦上添花地安装光电侦搜系统。

9. 此外F/A-22也未配备任何精密先进的Jamming systems~因为 APG-77雷达本身便具有极为强大的Jamming功能。


A. GaAs T/R单元数:1,500 ~ 2,200单元(根据不同军武消息说法)

B. 最大输出功率:≧ 15KW (一说可达16.4KW)

C. 空对空侦测距离(最大距离):≧400km(一说460km以上)

D. 空对空追踪距离:据称能在距离200公里处追踪RCS约1m2级的空中目标

E. 简介:

AN/APG-77采用了1,500至2,200个Tile" T/R模块单元,最大输出功率则在15kW以上;随着不断引进最新生产科技,今日AN/APG-77机载火控主动数组雷达在整体对空性能方面上比美国空军最初计划要求好上5%左右,而价格则从最初的790万美元一具,下降至460万美元一具以下。


对地攻击方面,已知其在UHR(极高分辨率)模式下,可获致距离100 mile/160 km外目标物高达1英尺级分辨率雷达影像,且随着AN/APG-81主动数组雷达计划的发展,其未来可望陆续引进各种原为联打机计划开发的对地模式与功能。

除此之外,老美空军亦打算充份利用AN/APG-77 AESA雷达全频谱与超大尖峰输出功率的特性,于2010年左右将其发展为一款”电子硬杀”利器~直接烧穿融毁敌方各式空中/地面雷达传感器。另外在可以大幅增加雷达视野范围的侧视数组天线科技方面,虽然因为预算问题,在短期之内,这项锦上添花的科技应该是无缘引进部署在猛禽战机之上,不过洛马集团声称:安装侧视数组天线所需的空间与额外能源,均已在量产型猛禽战机上有所预留,以因应未来可能的相关升级。

PS1: 西方战机雷达空对空对头追踪性能估计一览:

APG-77 AESA(美F-22A):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在20公里至24公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在35公里至42公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在112公里至136公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在200公里至242公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在300公里至363公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在355公里至430公里以上.

CAPTOR-E AESA(欧EF-2000 Tranch3, post-2014):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在15公里至21公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在28公里至39公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在90公里至123公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在160公里至217公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在240公里至324公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在285公里至385公里以上.

APG-81 AESA(美F-35A/B/C):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在16公里至19公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在28公里至33公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在90公里至104公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在160公里至185公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在240公里至277公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在285公里至330公里以上.

APG-63 V2/V3/V4 AESA(美F-15C/E/SG):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在14至19公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在25至33公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在81至104公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在144至185公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在215至277公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在255至330公里以上.

APG-79 AESA(美F/A-18E/F and EA-18G, Block 2 and 3):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在13公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在22公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在72公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在128公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在192公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在228公里以上.

CAPTOR-M 机扫(欧EF-2000 Tranch 1 and 2):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在10公里至12公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在19公里至22公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在60公里至70公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在107公里至124公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在160公里至185公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在190公里至220公里以上.

RBE-2 AESA(法Rafale F4, post-2012):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在10公里至12公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在18公里至22公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在56公里至68公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在100公里至120公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在150公里至180公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在178公里至214公里以上.

APG-80 AESA(美F-16E):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在11公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在20公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在62公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在110公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在165公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在195公里以上.

NOAR AESA(瑞JAS-39 C/D PLUS, post-2012):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在10公里至11公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在18公里至20公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在56公里至62公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在100公里至110公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在150公里至165公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离预估在178公里至195公里以上.

对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在9公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在16公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在51公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在90公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在135公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在160公里以上.

RBE-2 PESA(法Rafale F1/F2/F3):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在7公里至8公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在12公里至14公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在38公里至45公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在65公里至80公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在100公里至120公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在119公里至142公里以上.

APG-73机扫(美F/A-18E/F, Block1):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在5公里至6公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在10公里至11公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在32公里至36公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在56公里至64公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在84公里至96公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在100公里至114公里以上.

PS-05A 机扫(瑞JAS-39 A/B/C/D):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在5公里至6公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在9公里至10公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在27公里至32公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在48公里至56公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在72公里至84公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在85公里至100公里以上.

APG-68 V9 机扫(美F-16 C/D/I)and RDY-2(法M2000-5MK2 and -9):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在4公里至5公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在8公里至9公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在25公里至30公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在46公里至54公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在66公里至80公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在78公里至95公里以上.

RDY 机扫(法M2000-5):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在4公里至5公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在7至公里8公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在22公里至27公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在40公里至47公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在60公里至70公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在70公里至84公里以上.

APG-68 V5 机扫(美F-16 C/D):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在3公里至4公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在6公里至7公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在18公里至22公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在32公里至40公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在50公里至60公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在60公里至72公里以上.

APG-67 V4 机扫(南韩T-50):
对RCS 0.0001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在3公里至4公里以上.
对RCS 0.001 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在5公里至6公里以上.
对RCS 0.1 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在17公里至20公里以上.
对RCS 1.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在30公里至36公里以上.
对RCS 5.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在45公里至53公里以上.
对RCS 10.0 m2目标之理论有效追踪距离在53公里至63公里以上.

1. F-22A的正面最小RCS估计:0.00015 ~ 0.0006 m2
2. F-35A的正面最小RCS估计:0.0012 ~ 0.0015 m2
3. F/A-18E/F, MIG-35与西欧三剑客的正面最小RCS估计:0.05 ~ 0.5 m2
4. F-16C的正面最小RCS估计:1.0 ~ 3.0 m2
5. F/A-18C/D与MIG-21的正面最小RCS估计:3.0 m2
6. MIG-29的正面最小RCS估计:5.0 m2
7. F-15与Su-27系列的正面最小RCS估计:10.0 ~ 25.0 m2



1. The Raptors electronics are centered on two Common Integrated Processors (CIPs). Each CIP contains data such as mission planning data, and software for sensor managment. Mission specific data such as routes are loaded into the computer with a data transfer cartridge.

2. Before, in earlier aircaft each system, such as radar, engines, etc., had its own computer, but in the F-22, everything is managed by the 2 CIPs.

3. Each CIP has more than 300 MB of memory space, and was designed with growth potential to 650 MB. There is also room for a third CIP in the avionics bay.


4. Each CIP has a signal processing speed of more than 20 billion operations per second (BOPS), with an expansion capability to 50 BOPS. The CIPs have a general processing capability of 700 million instructions per second (MIPS), equivalent to several Cray supercomputers, with a growth capacity to 2,000 MIPS.

5. The CIPs incorporate over 1 million lines of computer code. Each CIP is linked via a fiber-optic connecting bus, which can transfer data at a rate of over 400Mbits/sec. The computer processing capacity of the F-22s CIPs is over 100 times greater than the F-15Es, even though the Stike Eagle is considered one of todays most computerized aircraft.
(CIPS与光纤DATA BUS相连,数据传送速度为400Mb/sec﹔整体而言,目前猛禽战机上两具计算机的整体信息处理功能是F-15E上16具计算机能力总合的百倍有余,且未来各方面能力还有再扩充为原来三四倍的潜力............)



1. 正面最小RCS:0.00015 ~ 0.0006m2级(弹珠级)

2. 美国空军在经过数百次的DACT较量后证明:现役F-15C与F-16C战机的雷达甚至无法在AIM-9M的有效射程以外处发现F-22A的存在。

3. 洛马工程师声称,F-22的匿踪性能将能使其安全接近S-300级防空单位至约15英里(24~25公里)左右的距离,而根据不久前的实际飞行测试证实:猛禽战机能在五万英呎高度,1.5马赫时速超巡状态下,使用1,000磅级JDAM精准命中44公里外的地面目标。

4. 一名老美飞官声称猛禽战机的匿踪性强到连自身APG-77都掌握不住的地步,使得F-22A v.s F-22A的模拟空战演练大戏极难安排~因为参战双方往往都无从发现对方的存在.......USAF目前的作法是在每架F-22A上都加装一套空战训练辅助系统,一旦开启,这套系统会送出特殊讯号,在对方雷达幕上显示自身所在位置,并且被当成侧卫战机视之......很明显的,透过这套系统,老美空军从此以后将可望拥有比侧卫还侧卫的绝佳假想敌模拟战机。



1. 机腹弹舱:
a. 可容纳六枚AIM-120 C/D AAM
b. 两枚1,000磅级JDAM(有效射程大于44公里) + 两枚AIM-120 C/D AAM
c. 四枚1,000磅级JDAM。
d. 八枚250磅级SDB(有效射程超过90公里) + 两枚AIM-120 C/D AAM
e. 两枚SMACM紧致型距外陆攻飞弹(有效射程250至600公里级,预定2010年后实用化)+ 两枚AIM-120 C/D AAM。
f. 六至八枚新世代BVR/WVR/AG三合一多功能飞弹(预定2020年左右实用化)。

2. 进气口两侧弹舱:目前可各容纳一枚AIM-9M短程AAM,预定自2008年起换装为AIM-9X,并与JHMCS相搭配。

3. 必要时, 两翼下可各加装两具挂架,每具挂架上可以各自携带一具2,270公升的副油箱,或是两枚AIM-120C/D AAM。此外也有消息指出,老美目前正在研发所谓的雷达低可视度派龙,希望能使得F-22A与F-35在雷达低可视度性能折损程度在被减至最少的状况下外挂武装。

4. 固定武装: 20mm M-61A2火神炮, 炮弹480发。

PS: AIM-120有效射程概估

1. 最大射程:约74 km
2. 最大有效射程:约50 km
3. 实战纪录最大效射程:约30 km






AIM-120C5/C7, post-2005:
1. 最大射程:约92.5 km --> 139~148 km(F-22A以超巡神功来玩的话)
2. 最大有效射程:约62.5 km --> 94~100 km(F-22A以超巡神功来玩的话)
3. 无逃脱射程:约40 km --> 60~65 km(F-22A以超巡神功来玩的话)

AIM-120D, post-2010:
1. 最大射程:约110 km --> 165~175 km(F-22A以超巡神功来玩的话)
2. 最大有效射程:约75 km --> 112~120 km(F-22A以超巡神功来玩的话)
3. 无逃脱射程:约45~50 km --> 70~80 km(F-22A以超巡神功来玩的话)

AIM-120D2, post-2015:
1. 最大射程:约148 km --> 220~240 km(F-22A以超巡神功来玩的话)
2. 最大有效射程:约100 km --> 150~160 km(F-22A以超巡神功来玩的话)
3. 无逃脱射程:约60~65 km --> 90~105 km(F-22A以超巡神功来玩的话)



1. 美空军宣称, F-22的整体造价比F-15E (单价约一亿两千多万美金)高出35%左右, 但是整体致命威力 (Lethality)则将是F-15E的九倍; 英国方面的计算机仿真则显示: 在和Su-35/37等级的对手交锋时, F-22的的获胜机率高达91%, 换算成交换比的话则高达10.2:1。

2. 正面RCS为前代美制战机机种的千分之一至两万分之一,其它各国已知同代战机机种的百分之一到千分之一,当其能轻易识别锁定,并在50至80公里(使用AIM-120 C/D)乃至于100到200公里(使用新世代BVR/WVR/AG三合一多功能飞弹)的距离外朝他国敌机发动视距外攻击时,敌国战机的雷达却难以在20至30公里距离外有效锁定猛禽;至于在红外线匿踪方面,目前仅知道有洛马工程师曾声称:其表现较猛禽战机的雷达匿踪性”不惶多让”。

3. 和F-15与F-16等上代战机相较,其超越群伦的实战高速飞行性能与超音速机动性使得同样的空对空飞弹在其手中,有效射程可望延伸50~100%,并使敌方AAM/SAM的有效迎击距离缩短25~75%。

4. 依照猛禽中队飞行员说法,在其与F-15和F-16所比试过的多次BVR较量中,截至目前,尚未有任何一架F-15或F-16找到在被猛禽”击落”前,先行发现猛禽战机存在的方法;在2004至2005年间,猛禽战机于和F-15C间的多次空中模拟较量中取得104:0之压倒性综合模拟战果,其中包括一次”以一敌五,三分解决”的经典传奇。

5. 在和F-16间的典型模拟测试中,通常是以一对猛禽战机对抗6至8架F-16战隼,在匿踪与舒跑克鲁斯两大神功加持下,战斗的结局几乎总是一面倒~猛禽在开战后四至五分钟内将所有茫然不知的战隼机群全数屠杀;而根据一些猛禽飞行员私下表示,猛禽战机甚至于曾以一敌六与以一敌八的和战隼较量过,而且战隼方还有GCI协助,但结果仍旧是猛禽大获全胜。

6. 在2006年年初的一次演练中,四架F-22A各内挂着一枚JDAM,三枚AIM-120,和两枚AIM-9M,护着B-2A或F-117对模拟俄国新锐IADS阵地发动攻击,敌手则由八架F-15C(负责扮演Su-30MK,在演习中被赐与”重生吧!!侧卫!!无限复活”恩典:被判定击落返航后,立即起飞再战,直到让F-22A杀至过瘾为止。)与地面上模拟SA-10和SA-12的特殊阵地担任。在经过几次交锋之后,猛禽梦幻队创下在空中”击落”33架敌机,在地面扫平整个IADS与所有SAM阵地,本身却毫无折损的惊人战绩表现。

7. 12架F-22A于2006年六月间参加于阿拉斯加举行北边军演行动,其间与美军F-15, F-16和F-18(模拟俄罗斯Su-27/Su-30/MIG-29的战术)进行多次交锋作战,且很多都是在以一敌四的劣势下进行,但在军演结束时,其以144比0以上的交换率狂胜。

而在军演行动期间,规模最大一次的DACT较量中,蓝军以7架F-22A + 24架F-15C来对抗红军32架F-16C与F/A-18C(不过被付予被模拟击落后再生的权利,因此相当于103架敌机群的规模),结果一场大战下来,蓝军在仅”战损”一架F-15C的状况下,成功”击落”83架敌机。

8. 北方军演相关报导~1



A. F-22A业已成功验证利用匿踪闪身至茫然不知的F-16身后,进行火神炮背刺的测试,不过USAF还是偏好万无一失的BVR杀敌法~在去年夏天的阿拉斯加北边军演中,猛禽于首周所模拟击落的144架战果中,只有三架是发生在WVR范围内,而其中更只有一架是动用到机炮模拟.

B. 截至目前为止,F-22A战队一直没有机会在DACT中动用到他们的超机动神技~所有传统战机对手都在茫然不知中就被F-22A给BVR收拾,或WVR匿踪背刺给暗算了.

C. F-22A的感测系统极度精良,在演习过程中,其识别出来犯对手敌机的速率往往是E-3C AWACS的好几倍.

D. F-15C战机雷达(APG-63)能在56英里(约90公里)外探测到的目标,换成APG-77 AESA雷达的话则据称能在125至150英里(约200至242公里)以外处察觉.

E. 除了空优与对地打击之外,F-22A还将担任几种特殊任务角色:
a. 前线空中/地面预警管制
b. 前线Electronic order of battle (EOB)
d. EA-6B电战机指挥
e. 无人战机指挥导引
f. 电子攻击与信息战
g. 巡航飞弹反制

F. 阿拉斯加军演期间,猛禽战机所遭遇的模拟挑战:

a. 八架F-22A + 十六架F-15C对抗四十架F-15/F-16/F-18红军(演习期间赋予被判定击落后"再生"之权,因此红军方事实上是在模拟最多高达103架的来袭敌机群),持续反复交战2.5小时。 

b. 红军方模拟的敌机机种包括Su-22, Su-24, Su-27/30与MIG-29,所模拟使用的的空战武器则包括R-27A型至F型,R-73,R-77,以及PL-12。

c. 此外红军方尚有一架EA-6B提供电战干扰支持,在地面上则有模拟SA-6, S-300/SA-10, 乃至S-400/SA-20的防空单位支持。

G. 而上述规模之仿真战力对抗猛禽战机的结果则为:

a. "The adversaries were wily and didn't want to lose. We had guys running in at 500 ft. off the deck," Tolliver says. "We had guys flying in at 45,000-50,000 ft. doing Mach 1.6, trying to shoot me before I know they are there. They would mass their forces and try to win with sheer numbers. None of it worked."

b. The aerial victory ratio for the Raptor in the first week of the exercise alone was 144-to-zero losses. (For those paying close attention, the one loss in the eighty-three-to-one mission was an F-15.) For the entire two-week exercise, the Raptor comprised just thirty percent of the Blue Air, yet managed to defeat almost half of the overall threats.

c. The lopsided combat ratio resulted because, "they never saw us," Tolliver says. "We got there without being detected, and we killed them rapidly. We didn't do any major turning. It's not that the J-Turn maneuver isn't fun, but we didn't get a chance to use it."
9. 北方军演相关报导~2:

Code One(美国空军月刊)最新报导:F-22A萌禽2006阿拉斯加猎火鸡战记


Achieving nine aerial victories on a single mission qualifies for bragging rights in any fighter pilot circle even if those victories occur in simulated Red/Blue engagements. An F-22 pilot from the 27th Fighter Squadron from Langley AFB, Virginia, accomplished that very feat in June at Northern Edge exercises in Alaska. Six AMRAAMs, two Sidewinders, and one burst of rounds from a Gatling gun account for the total. Nine may not be the ultimate maximum: he had ammunition left in the gun. For aviation history buffs, nine victories equal the real-world US record of Cmdr. David McCampbell, an F6F Hellcat pilot and the Navy's leading ace in World War II.


"The nine-kill mission may get a lot of exposure," says Lt. Col. Wade Tolliver, commander of the 27th Fighter Squadron. "Was it cool? Yes. But working with F-15s and F-18s to produce a kill ratio of eighty-three to one that day was way cooler. Not the fact that one F-22 happened to produce nine of those eighty-three hits."

Tolliver describes the aerial scene: "During that mission, our Blue forces faced the heaviest air threat we've seen in recent history. The total mission or vulnerability time was two and one-half hours. Those flying as Red Air developed their own tactics. In a single vulnerability period, they would use mass forces to try to overrun our Blue forces. At other times, they sent successive waves of smaller individual packages in a variety of tactics. To generate the numbers, Red Air returned to a simulated base to regenerate. Actually, they went to a tanker to get fuel and then came back to create additional threats."

"The pilot with nine simulated kills flew as my wingman that day," explains Capt. Harry Schantz, the safety officer for the 27th FS. "His nine kills were a function of the situation. We were making sure everyone could get gas, and we were keeping our area safe. We tried to shoot every missile we had. Red Air threats were almost overwhelming, but we handled every one of them. We averaged five to six kills per F-22 pilot on busy missions like that during the exercise."

(这是那场7架F-22A + 24架F-15C蓝军混合编队对抗仿真规模高达103架之红军机队,最后创下83比1交换比之梦幻模拟战中的小插曲~在那场为时两个半小时的演习中,平均每个参战萌禽飞行员都有五至六架火鸡斩获)

F-22 Debut
The 1st Fighter Wing from Langley deployed twelve Raptors, eighteen pilots, and 174 maintainers of its 27th FS to Elmendorf in late May, the longest deployment to date for the F-22. The aircraft stayed in Alaska for six weeks.

"A combination of circumstances brought us here," says Tolliver. "First and foremost, we wanted to involve the Raptor in a large-scale exercise. When our runway at Langley was closing for a two-month repair during the same time period, we saw the timing as perfect to take our aircraft on an extended deployment.

"Furthermore, we also thought the timing was perfect to introduce the Raptor to Elmendorf as they will eventually be based here," continues Tolliver. "The wing can see how the aircraft deploys, how it moves on the ramp, how it operates in this airspace, and what levels of support it needs. Not only did the 3rd Wing at Elmendorf learn from the Raptor visit, but the local community also learned a lot about the aircraft through public and media days hosted by the base."

"Our entire wing wants to learn as much as we can about this airplane," adds Brig. Gen. Hawk Carlisle, commander of the 3rd Fighter Wing at Elmendorf. Raptors are scheduled to arrive at Elmendorf in about one year starting with the first airplane, tail number 4087, which rolled off the assembly line in fall 2006. "The Air Force chief of staff would like us to accept the first airplanes here in January 2008, but we would like to get them sooner to beat the winter weather," Carlisle adds.

The Raptor visit directly addresses issues surrounding the eventual basing of F-22s at Elmendorf. "Some have questioned whether Elmendorf is ready for the F-22 in terms of infrastructure and support," notes Tolliver. "We've been here for five weeks flying fourteen missions every day, launching eight in the morning and turning six in the afternoon. The Raptors are doing great. They will perform just fine when they arrive next year."

"We are doing a lot with the F-22 on the expansive ranges in Alaska," says Carlisle, who was one of the core USAF pilots who flew the prototypes during the competition between the YF-22 and the YF-23. "Our overland, supersonic, and instrumented air-to-air and air-to-ground ranges are phenomenal. They are conducive to the high-speed tactics flown by the Raptor. Elmendorf is the right place to bring the Raptor, and we are very excited to have it here."

Firsts And Results
Northern Edge is the first major exercise for the F-22. It is also the first Raptor deployment outside the continental United States. More importantly, though, deploying 3,200 miles nonstop and operating at a new base put new aircraft to a real test. Did the F-22 succeed?

"Yes, we succeeded," answers Tolliver. "The day after the first jets landed, we flew thirteen sorties, and that was with ten aircraft since the remaining two arrived the next day. This fact in itself is an awesome accomplishment and proves the Raptor can deploy and be an immediate contributor to joint or coalition forces."

Tolliver's opinions are backed by additional statistics. On one particular mission, though comprising just thirty-three percent of the total Blue air-to-air forces, F-22s managed to eliminate sixty-six percent of the threats. The aerial victory ratio for the Raptor in the first week of the exercise alone was 144-to-zero losses. (For those paying close attention, the one loss in the eighty-three-to-one mission was an F-15.) For the entire two-week exercise, the Raptor comprised just thirty percent of the Blue Air, yet managed to defeat almost half of the overall threats.


The Raptor did more than defeat aerial threats. The Langley-based F-22s dropped twenty-six Joint Direct Attack Munitions while working with ground-based forward air controllers. All twenty-six bombs were direct hits. Many of the pilots, who mostly flew air-to-air combat missions in F-15Cs, were dropping bombs for the first time in this exercise. Northern Edge was the first time operational F-22 pilots dropped munitions while working with forward air controllers in a close air support role.


Of the 105 scheduled Raptor sorties in the exercise, 102 actually launched. This ninety-seven percent sortie generation rate for the twelve deployed F-22s certainly contributed to the overall results: aircraft availability being a prerequisite for combat effectiveness. "The ability to work away from the support and supply structure of our home station and still produce such high sortie generation figures is arguably the largest success of the entire Alaska deployment," says Tolliver.


More Subtle Firsts

The F-22 can claim another first in this Northern Edge: the first time the US Air Force, Navy, and Marine units combined F-22s and F/A-18s to fly integrated defensive counter air tactics. "The integration of this fifth-generation aircraft with our legacy forces creates a much more lethal and survivable force than we have ever seen before," explains Tolliver. "The F-22's sensors and the integrated avionics produced so much battlespace awareness that we were able to share critical information with other platforms." This sharing increased the lethality and survivability of less-capable fighters. "That is truly transformational. We can complement, direct, and assist other platforms from the cockpit of our single-seat fighters. Even though we have never functioned as joint forces before, we found it works great."

Capt. Schantz adds some specifics. "F-22 pilots have the ability to use sensors to a greater degree than any other fighter pilots because of the Raptor's sensor fusion capability," he explains. "The F-22 scope is fully integrated to show the entire battlespace. In the heat of the fight, we can provide necessary information to other pilots at that right moment because we are fighter pilots talking to other fighter pilots."

Schantz explains that, even though an AWACS has thirty radar controllers aboard with a lot of combined situational awareness, information on their scopes is displayed as radar blips. "Our F-22 blips show what type of aircraft we're seeing," he says. "The information is deciphered for us so that we can sort friend from foe much more easily."

The Raptor starts with more situational awareness than an F-16, F-15, or F/A-18. "The Raptor is a light year ahead of those fighters," explains Brig. Gen. Burton Field, commander of the 1st FW at Langley. "Assessing the situation and melding the radar picture of a four-ship so everyone has the same situational awareness can be extremely demanding in fourth-generation fighters."

The Raptor begins with immediate situational awareness that can be provided to other assets in the fight. "We can make each one of those players better, and we can make the entire force better. Sharing that situational awareness at the right time and in the right manner requires a different skill set than the one needed to operate a legacy fighter effectively. Those new skills are more associated with the skills of a mission commander."

Mission commander or battle manager may not be the right term. "I don't think we have an accepted term for the function of a Raptor pilot in a large-scale force," Field continues. "We aren't necessarily in charge of the fight, but we can play a more prominent role in the fight than any other aircraft. I don't think we have the vocabulary or the tactical mindset that fits the capabilities offered by the F-22. We may not have the operational mindset either."

Determining the role of the Raptor is a work in progress. "We attempt to integrate our efforts, but we sometimes end up only synchronizing them," explains Field. "The goal is to thoroughly integrate the F-22 into the entire fight in a way that makes us all far more capable."

Much like an avionics suite in fourth-generation fighters, their various missions — from offensive counter air to suppression and destruction of enemy air defenses — are often more federated as opposed to integrated. "An integrated F-22 adds value to many different mission sets simultaneously and makes the sum of the parts greater than the whole," continues Field. "That role is way different from what we now do. I expect our younger pilots will adapt to the new roles made possible by the F-22, and then improve upon them."




[英国《詹氏防务周刊》2004年5月26日报导] 美空军计划在2005年年底之前完成两个猛禽作战中队的组建,并拟定了猛禽能力路线图,到2013年,将总共有277架猛禽投入使用。

据美空军官员称,美空军计划分三个批次--批次20(Block 20)、批次30(Block 30)和批次40(Block 40)提升和配备猛禽战机。而目前正处在交机阶段的Block 10猛禽主要只是在用于作战适用性实验和训练。

Block 10猛禽具有抵御飞机和巡弋飞弹的能力,并具有在次音速下投掷联合直接攻击弹药(JDAM)的能力。

Block 20猛禽,也称为全球攻击基本型,武器系统软件将经过改良,可以在超音速速度下投掷JDAM。美空军大约共会配置50架(两个中队)Block 20猛禽。

Block 30猛禽,称为全球攻击增强型,将配备具有高分辨解析率的第四代合成孔径雷达,从而增强飞机的全天候对地攻击能力,另外还将配备对应Link 16之数据总线,开始时只能接收外界数据数据,之后将具有发送数据数据的能力。美空军大约共会配置90架Block 30猛禽。

Block 40猛禽,分成两个发展型,即全球攻击完全型(Global Strike Full)和情报、监视和侦察型。美空军大约配置120架Block 40猛禽。该型战机将完全适应网络环境下的作战模式,其机载计算机将采用第四代先进计算机处理器。另外还将加装低可探测的外挂油箱以增加飞机的航程,随着空射飞弹的发展,还将配备新的机载飞弹。

然而后来在美国国防部和国会对猛禽战机的预算严加限制之下,USAF的猛禽战机采购数于2005年间被迫进一步减至183架,因此Block 40猛禽计划可能将被全面取消~虽然USAF目前还在全力积极争取,希望能让猛禽战机的最终采购量尽可能回升到接近其理想值:381架。

PS: Aviation Week & Space Technology 05/24/2004, page 24
a. 深入敌后攻击摧毁刚发射不久的敌巡航飞弹.
b. 能够对头攻击摧毁敌匿踪巡航飞弹的新型空对空飞弹之引进(AADRM?).
c. FB-22轰炸衍生型开发计划.
d. 敌方传感器电子破坏开发计划.
e. 机载敌方计算机网络入侵系统开发计划.




1. 依照美帝空军最新说法:猛禽战机计划在研发测试阶段花费了280亿美金,之后采购183架战机的状况下又花了340亿美金,是以目前F-22A的单机平均整体成本约为3亿3,880万美金,单机平均离陆成本则约为1亿8,580万美金.

2. 然而老美空军保证开发成本已经投资完成,之后买得越多就能越划算~例如目前最新批次的量产F-22A单机离陆成本已经降价至1亿3,700多万美金,假设元老院肯高抬贵手,批准老美空军再买进100架新批次猛禽的话,则这批新机的单机平均离陆成本预期将只要1亿1,600多万美金.

3. 在日前阿拉斯加军演中,12架F-22A于期间与最多达40架模拟敌机同时交手,最后创下108比0的压倒性狂胜,且被证明其为美海空军中唯一能同时兼任空中制霸/防空压制/反巡航飞弹三重重任的战机;而在其SA协助引导下,友军F-15与F/A-18上的武器系统亦发挥出远超过自行使用时的威力(好一招草木虫石皆可为剑................)

4. 帝国空军再度表明速度性能不足(根据一名猛禽飞官的说法,F-35闪电二世战机的飞行包络线面积可能只有F-22A猛禽的一半左右),匿踪对空火力携带量只有F-22A一半的F-35并不足以担当帝国空权争夺大任,声称若想要完全替代一架猛禽在空优作战上所具备的份量威力,得买上两至三架的F-35.

5. 此外帝国空军也再度强调老俄SA-10/-12/-20等十位数长程空防系统的潜在威胁丝毫不亚于本国的爱国者系列,而当二次波湾战争其间那些不小心遭爱国者误杀的自家与盟国传统战机(F-16, F/A-18, Tornado)都是在使出浑身解数下依然惨遭毒手时,拿他们去对抗十位数长程空防系统的下场将不难想见,因此结论还是一样:”猛禽不出,谁与争锋??”


十二、F-22A, F-35A, F-35B, F-35C, F-15K, F-16E, F/A-18 E, EF-2000, Rafale C, and MIG-35 (2007 Revise)

A. Empty weight:
* F-22A: 18,144 ~ 19,600 kg
* F-35A: 13,170 kg
* F-35B: 14,588 kg
* F-35C: 14,548 kg
* F-15E: 14,515 kg
* F-16E: 9,980 kg
* F-18E: 14,288 kg
* EF-2K: 10,995 ~ 11,150 kg
* Rafale C: 9,500 ~ 9,850 kg
* MIG-35: 12,000 kg

B. Internal Fuel:
* F-22A: 9,072 ~ 9,800 kg
* F-35A: 8,382 kg
* F-35B: 6,352 kg
* F-35C: 9,111 kg
* F-15E: 5,920 kg
* F-16E: 3,160 kg
* F-18E: 6,780 kg
* EF-2K: 4,600 ~ 4,996 kg
* Rafale: 4,700 kg
* MIG-35: 4,800 kg

C. Wing Surface Area:
* F-22A: 78.03 m2
* F-35A: 42.74 m2
* F-35B: 42.74 m2
* F-35C: 57.60 m2
* F-15E: 56.50 m2
* F-16E: 27.87 m2
* F-18E: 46.45 m2
* EF-2K: 50.00 m2
* Rafale: 45.70 m2
* MIG-35: 38.00 m2

D. Comparison of air-combat weight, T/W ratio, and wing-load among these fighters at the "fair" condition (with the same kind and the amount of AAM weapons + roughly equal combat radius):
* F-22A: 6,500 kg internal fuel + AIM-120*4 + AIM-9X*2
* F-35: 5,000 kg internal fuel + AIM-120*4 + AIM-9X*2
* F-15E: 5,920 kg internal fuel + AIM-120*4 + AIM-9X*2
* F-16E: 3,160 kg internal fuel + AIM-120*4 + AIM-9X*2
* F-18E: 5,500 kg internal fuel + AIM-120*4 + AIM-9X*2
* EF-2K: 4,600 ~ 4,996 kg internal fuel + AIM-120*4 + ASRAAM*2
* RAFALE: 4,700 kg internal fuel + MICA EM*4 + MICA IR*2
* MIG-35: 4,800 kg internal fuel + R-77*4 + R-73M2*2

E. Air-combat weight:
* F-22A: 25,700 ~ 27, 200 kg
* F-35A: 19,270 kg
* F-35B: 20,700 kg
* F-35C: 20,650 kg
* F-15E: 21,550 kg
* F-16E: 14,250 kg
* F-18E: 20,900 kg
* EF-2K: 16,790 ~ 17,250 kg
* Rafale: 15,100 ~ 15,450 kg
* MIG-35: 18,000 kg

F. Wing-load (E/C):
* F-22A: 329.4 ~ 348.6 kg/m2
* F-35A: 450.9 kg/m2
* F-35B: 484.3 kg/m2
* F-35C: 358.5 kg/m2
* F-15E: 381.4 kg/m2
* F-16E: 511.3 kg/m2
* F-18E: 449.9 kg/m2
* EF-2K: 335.8 ~ 345.0 kg/m2
* Rafale: 330.4 ~ 338.1 kg/m2
* MIG-35: 473.7 kg/m2

G. T/W ratio, sea-level (AB thrust / Maximal military thrust):

* F-22A: 1.167 ~ 1.412 / 0.850 ~ 0.921 (F119, 35,000 ~ 40,000 Ib / 25,500 ~ 26,100 Ib *2)

* F-35A: 0.942 ~ 1.059 / 0.680 (F135, 40,000 ~ 45,000 Ib / 28,900 Ib *1)
* F-35B: 0.877 ~ 0.986 / 0.633 (F135, 40,000 ~ 45,000 Ib / 28,900 Ib *1)
* F-35C: 0.879 ~ 0.988 / 0.635 (F135, 40,000 ~ 45,000 Ib / 28,900 Ib *1)

* F-15E: 1.225 / 0.749 (F100-PW-229, 29,100 Ib / 17,800 Ib *2)

* F-16E: 1.019 ~ 1.082 / 0.605 (F110-GE-132, 32,000 ~ 34,000 Ib / 19,000 Ib *1)

* F-18E: 0.955 / 0.608 (F414-GE-400, nowadays, 22,000 Ib / 14,000 Ib *2)
* F-18E: 1.146 ~ 1.194 / 0.730 ~ 0.760 (F414-GE-???, post-2015?, 26,400 ~ 27,500 Ib / 16,800 ~ 17,500 Ib *2)

* EF-2K: 1.065 ~ 1.094 / 0.710 ~ 0.730 (EJ200, peace time, 20,250 Ib / 13,500 Ib *2)
* EF-2K: 1.124 ~ 1.154 / 0.816 ~ 0.840 (EJ200, war time, 21,370 Ib / 15,525 Ib *2)
* EF-2K: 1.172 ~ 1.203 / 0.816 ~ 0.840 (EJ200, small revision, 22,275 Ib / 15,525 Ib *2)
* EF-2K: 1.224 ~ 1.258 / 0.852 ~ 0.876 (EJ230, post-2010~2015?, 23,280 Ib / 16,200 Ib *2)
* EF-2K: 1.420 ~ 1.459 / 0.923 ~ 0.950 (EJ270, post-2015~2020?, 27,000 Ib / 17,550 Ib *2)

* RAFALE C: 0.989 ~ 1.012 / 0.670 (M88-2, 16,850 ~ 17,000 Ib / 11,245 Ib *2)
* RAFALE C: 1.150 ~ 1.210 / 0.770 ~ 0.800 (M88-3, 20,000 ~ 20,500 Ib / 13,500 Ib *2)

* MIG-35: 1.000 / 0.600 (RD-33MKV, 19,840 Ib / 11,900 Ib *2)


Score of AB and Max. Mil T/W ratio:

F-35B: 88 ~ 99 / 105

F-35C: 88 ~ 99 / 106

F-18E: 96 / 101 (F414 nowadays)

MIG-35: 100 / 100

Rafale C: 100 / 112 (M88-2)

F-35A: 94 ~ 106 / 113

F-16E: 102 ~ 108 / 101

EF-2000: 106 ~ 109 / 118 ~ 122 (EJ-200, peace time)

EF-2000: 112 ~ 115 / 136 ~ 140 (EJ-200, war time)

F-18E: 115 ~ 119 / 122 ~ 127 (Possible F414 upgrading)

EF-2000: 117 ~ 120 / 136 ~ 140 (EJ-200, small revision)

Rafale C: 115 ~ 121 / 128 ~ 133 (M88-3, post 2012?)

F-15E: 123 / 125

EF-2000: 122 ~ 126 / 142 ~ 146 (EJ-230, post 2010~2015?)

F-22A: 117 ~ 141 / 142 ~ 154

EF-2000: 142 ~ 146 / 154 ~ 158 (EJ-270, post 2015~2020?)



1. 本列表所列推力数据为各国战机引擎在海平面静止状态下的推力表现,因此所换算出来的推重比基本上只是战机在起飞与海平面低速下推重比的近似值,并不能直接精确代表各战机在中高空高速空战时的实际推重比与剩余功率数据高下。

2. 为了让相互比较立于(个人认为)较为公平的基础上,像F-22A与F-35等燃料分率与腿长比其它同侪高出太多的美制机种,在下于比较时并未让其在100%内载燃料满载的状况下进行,而是以其大概能获得与其它使用100%内载燃料之对手约略同级作战航程下所需内载燃料量来进行计算。

3. 在下于列表中亦加入了某些战机于未来进行厂商所声称预期的推力升级计划之后,所可能获得的最佳化推重比数据表现~不过这些表现是在最乐观状况(战机空重不变)下所能获得的结果,实际上大多战机在进行包括推力升级在内的大改升级时,空重数据通常亦会显著上升,使得推重比增加的幅度明显低于引擎推力本身的增幅,有时甚至不进反退(例如超级虫)。

4. 推重比是极度简化的粗估指标,且完全未将战机之阻力因素考虑在内,因此以上列表的推重比高下排列,并不能全然反映各战机在海平面高度低速状态之下的实际剩余功率之高下与差距(举例说来单看上述推重比数字的话,则F-15E是明显高于目前的欧洲双风,甚至于不下猛禽,然而实际狗战格斗较量的结果,却是猛禽与双风在绝大多数比武中把F-15E给嘿嘿嘿........)。

SDB按照LM的计划2008年以前成为F22的主要武器,SDB重量为128KG,在9144米投放时攻击距离为110KM,高 空超音速投放的话,攻击距离至少增加50%,SDB的外形尺寸刚刚好是AIM120的一半(刚好一半,很精确),因此F22可以在携带2*9X+4*120D+4SDB,利用强大的ALR94系统,可以同时完成对地防空系统精确打击和空优任务.


