
译文:《全副武装的猛禽飞行员》中英对照版[The Well-Dressed Raptor Pilot]



(The Well-Dressed Raptor Pilot,原载于2004年第4季度的《Code One》杂志)
The Well-Dressed Raptor Pilot


Practical Aircrew Apparel Has Come A Long Way


By Jeff Rhodes
Photos By John Rossino


Orville Wright wore a suit and tie and a white shirt with starched collar when he made man's first powered flight in 1903. Capt. Frank Luke, famed World War I ace of the 27th Aero Squadron, wore a leather coat and helmet over his service dress uniform when he went hunting German observation balloons. The dashing white silk scarf completed the uniform, but it wasn't just for show — it was for wiping oil spatter off his goggles.

1903年奥维尔·莱特进行人类第一次有动力飞行的时候穿的是打着领结的白色立领衬衣套装。弗兰克·卢克,一战期间第27航空联队著名的王牌,在猎杀德国人的观察气球时的穿着是在军便装外加一件皮外套和飞行帽。漂亮的白色丝巾让飞行制服显得非常完美,但它的作用不仅仅是为了好看 —— 它是用来擦拭飞溅到风镜上的油滴的。

During World War II, as aircraft were able to reach much higher altitudes, B-24 waist gunners wore leather coats, pants, and boots that were heated electrically and lined with sheepskin to withstand the intense cold while shooting .50-caliber machine guns at incoming Me-109s, FW-190s, and Zeros.


As jet fighters became more sophisticated through the 1950s and 1960s, pilots added "speed jeans," chaps filled with rubber bladders that inflated to force oxygenated blood from the legs to the heart, brain, and eyes to keep from blacking out during high-g maneuvering. The L-1 Straining Maneuver, also known as grunting, provided pilots with additional seconds before the onset of g-induced loss of consciousness, or G-LOC.


(译注:过载动作——Straining Maneuver——是一种通过减少四肢和腹腔血液含量,有节奏地增加胸腔压力以帮助心脏产生足够血压向头部供血,从而增强飞行员抵抗G力的动作。美军航空兵教材上有两种过载动作,“M-1”和“L-1”。“M-1”要求绷紧四肢,腹部以及胸部的肌肉,将头低垂到两肩之间,半闭声门哼出声来。哼的过程保持3到5秒,然后进行很短暂的放松以进行呼吸并让胸部的静脉血回流,之后重复先前的动作。适当的进行M-1过载动作可以让飞行员的抗G能力提高2个G,加上飞行抗荷服的效果从整体上大致提高到3个G,但不正确的过载动作反而会降低飞行员的抗G能力。“L-1”过载动作与“M-1”大致相同,唯一的区别在于“L-1”在哼出声的时候是全闭声门。“L-1”的效果与“M-1”差不多,但由于喉部的不适感更轻因此更易于进行。以上材料来自《美国海军飞行医生手册》第三版第二章:http://www.vnh.org/FSManual/02/02SustainedAcceleration.html

Unfortunately, human physiology has not progressed markedly in 100 years. Even though the F/A-22 is designed to withstand nine times the force of gravity during maneuvering, Raptor pilots are still the same basic Mk. 1 human, able to withstand only about seven g's before the onset of G-LOC. Consequently, Raptor pilots have their own ensemble, which is both practical and comfortable and ensures they can stay in the fight.


Col. Tim Merrell, operations group commander at the F/A-22 training unit, the 325th Fighter Wing at Tyndall AFB, Florida, models what the well-dressed Raptor pilot is wearing these days.


Combat Edge


Arriving at the jet — in this case, Raptor 26, a brand-new aircraft Merrell ferried from Lockheed Martin in Marietta, Georgia, to Tyndall in early October — the pilot is wearing the standard CWU-27/P flight suit, or what pilots refer to as the "green bag" and FWU-8/P flyer boots. His GS/FRP-2 gloves are in his pocket. The suit, gloves, and optional CWU-36/P flight jacket are made of a flame-resistant fabric that dissipates static and repels chemicals.

飞机抵达时 —— 这里指的是‘猛禽’26号机,一架米勒上校刚从乔治亚州玛丽埃塔的洛克希德·马丁公司接收的全新的飞机,它在10月初抵达丁德尔空军基地 —— 飞行员穿着标准的CWU-27/P飞行服也就是飞行员们所指的“绿袋子”,以及FWU-8/P飞行靴。他的GS/FRP-2手套在他的口袋里。飞行服,手套,还有可选的CWU-36/P飞行夹克都是用耐火织物制作的,可以防静电,防化学腐蚀。


Over his standard flight suit, Merrell first dons the CSU-17/P Combined Advanced Technology Enhanced Design G-Ensemble, or Combat Edge, a vest developed by the Air Force Human Systems Program Office at Brooks AFB, Texas, in the late 1980s to counter the effects of high-g maneuvering on pilots and crew. An air hose on the right breast of the vest connects to the aircraft on the left side of the cockpit.

在他的标准飞行服之外,米勒上校首先穿着的是CSU-17/P组合式高科技增强设计抗荷服,俗称战斗抗荷服(Combined Advanced Technology Enhanced Design G-Ensemble,Combat Edge)。它是上世纪八十年代后期在研究飞行员和机组人员高G机动的效果之后,由得克萨斯州布诺克斯空军基地空军人员系统项目办公室开发的一种背心。背心右胸上的一根空气软管连接到飞机驾驶舱的左边。



The components of Combat Edge — oxygen mask, mask tensioning bladder in the helmet, counter-pressure vest, oxygen regulator, g-valve, integrated terminal block, and pressure sensor line — act in unison to sense and respond to high-g conditions. To pilots, that means Combat Edge keeps pressure in the chest cavity to help the heart pump blood to the eyes and brain while inhibiting the downward flow of blood inherent to these maneuvers. While Combat Edge doesn't replace the straining maneuver of tensing the upper body muscles and abdomen, it significantly reduces the effort required to execute it. At the same time, it increases g-endurance and reduces fatigue.

战斗抗荷服的各个组成部分 —— 氧气面罩,飞行头盔里的面罩紧张气囊,抗压背心,氧气调节开关,G阀,所有的末端抗荷部位,以及压力传感线 —— 共同发挥作用以感觉并响应高G条件的出现。对于飞行员,这意味着战斗抗荷服对胸腔保持压力以帮助心脏将血液输送到眼睛和大脑,同时抑制在进行这些机动时血液向下流动的自然趋势。尽管战斗抗荷服无法取代绷紧上身和腹腔的过载动作,它还是显著地减少了执行过载动作的难度。与此同时,它还提高了抗G能力并降低了疲劳。



Next Merrell dons the CSU-23/P Advanced Technology Anti-G Suit, or ATAGS. Like the Combat Edge vest, ATAGS (currently only worn by F/A-22 pilots) provides increased protection from the effects of prolonged high-g environments. As a stand-alone garment, ATAGS provides a sixty percent increase in aircrew endurance. Combined with Combat Edge, it increases aircrew endurance by 350 percent over the current g-suit.

接下来米勒上校穿上的是CSU-23/P高科技抗G服,也被称之为‘阿塔哥斯’(Advanced Technology Anti-G Suit,ATAGS)。类似于战斗抗荷服的背心,‘阿塔哥斯’(当前仅装备F/A-22飞行员)对长时间的高G环境提供额外的保护。作为一件出色的战斗服,‘阿塔哥斯’将机组人员的抗G能力提高了百分之六十。与战斗抗荷服配套使用,它对机组人员抗G能力的提高效果超出现有的抗荷服的百分之三百五十。
"ATAGS completely envelopes the legs and rear end, which is different from other g-suits," notes Merrell. "It takes a little getting used to when we first put it on. It rides lower on the torso so that, when we're pulling g's, it doesn't push against the chest. It is very effective."



The ATAGS air hose connection to the aircraft is on the right side of the cockpit, while the g-suit connection is on the left side of the cockpit in other fighter aircraft. Three small clamps bring the front and rear halves of the suit together around the legs; the two halves are then zipped together. A snap at the bottom of each leg further secures the two halves. Zippers on the torso section allow the suit to expand for a more comfortable fit. ATAGS also features external pockets because pilots are not able to reach the pockets on the flight suit after they don this new g-suit.


Harness And Helmet


In future combat situations, pilots from the 27th Fighter Squadron, the first squadron to fly the F/A-22 operationally, will then don the SRU-21/P survival vest. What goes in the multitude of pockets and pouches on this vest depends on the unit's preferences and conditions, but generally includes a weapon, such as a Baretta M9 9mm pistol; survival radio; and flares. An attached survival pack includes a first aid kit, fish hooks and line, mirror, and a myriad of other gear.

在未来的战斗环境中,来自第27飞行中队的飞行员,也就是第一个真正飞F/A-22的现役中队,将穿着SRU-21/P救生背心。这件背心上有多少的口袋和拉链决定于部队的喜好和实际情况,但通常情况下包括一件武器,比如一支贝雷塔M9 9毫米手枪;救生无线电发射器;还有烟火棒。附加的救生包包括一个急救包,鱼钩以及鱼线,镜子,还有种种其它的东西。


Next comes the PCU-15/P parachute harness with the detachable LPU-9/P life preserver. "This harness and life preserver combination is designed for higher ejection speeds than those used in other aircraft," Merrill notes. "It fits a little tighter around the neck, but it uses the same connections as those on an F-16."


To top off the ensemble, pilots will pull on the HGU-55/P helmet. This helmet is not the "brain bucket" of twenty years ago. The HGU-55/P, as an integral part of Combat Edge, includes a bladder in the helmet that inflates and pushes the pilot's face against the oxygen mask to get a good seal and prevent leaks.


The helmet is lightweight and has a larger cutout area for better peripheral vision. It also has several visors — tinted, gradient, and amber for various situations. "Some helmets also have night vision goggle mounts," notes Merrell. "Since we are the training unit, we don't wear NVGs with the F/A-22."

这种头盔很轻并且开放面积更大拥有更好的视野。它还有多种的护目镜 —— 带色彩的,黑白的,琥珀色的等等以用于不同的环境。“有的头盔头盔还加挂有夜视镜的底座,”米勒上校解释说。“由于我们是训练部队,我们没有配备F/A-22的夜视装备。”

The MBU-20/P breathing mask and regulator on the aircraft operate in normal mode, providing air when the pilot inhales. Together with the regulator on the aircraft, the mask also has a positive pressure breathing mode in which oxygen is continuously forced into the pilot's lungs. In this mode, exhaling is actually harder than inhaling — additional protection against G-LOC.

MBU-20/P呼吸面罩和飞机上的调整器在正常模式下,在飞行员呼吸时提供空气。同样是和飞机上的调整器相配合,呼吸面罩还有一种将氧气源源不断送入飞行员肺中的加压呼吸模式。在这种模式下,呼气要比吸气更为困难 —— 这是对防止因G力丧失意识的额外的保护。

The pilot is now ready to fly. A final piece of equipment taken to the jet is the small black bag seen in the photo at the pilot's feet. The bag carries the data transfer cartridge, which contains the mission information and landing approach plates. If the pilot prefers, the bag also makes a convenient place for a water bottle.


Jeff Rhodes is the associate editor of Code One.

作者杰夫·罗德斯是《Code One》杂志的副编辑

本文的原创翻译者为鼎盛中华的【无定河边骨】于2005-11-29 14:18:20发表。

